
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Inflammatory, Defaming Rhetoric

"I think that somebody should say to him 'O.K., how much money did you make from the newsletters?' These things are really nasty, and he didn't know about it? Wasn't aware of it? But he's sufficiently ready to be president? It strikes me it raises some fundamental questions about him." Newt Gingrich (another somewhat slimy contender; no offence to slimy newts)
Now there's an unsavoury character; not Gingrich, Ron Paul. And this is the calibre of character that presents as a potential candidate for the presidency of the United States? Good grief, that's rather hard to take. But it's real; this man has prospects that he is exploring and he has reason to believe that he is found to be a credible candidate for the Republican choice to run against the current President.

This is a man without scruples, a bigot, a racist of impeccable credentials. There is a blazing trail of statements issued by him, a network of newsletters warning Americans of dire things to come should black and white begin to contest their rights; one depriving the other seen as just and meet. The man is a world-class slanderer, a conspiracy theorist of the highest order.

And he presents himself as a civil libertarian, championing peoples' rights.

The Texas Congressman Ron Paul is what one could term in the most understated way, a genuine 'piece of work'. That he can count upon a certain level of popularity among the electorate in any of the states is painful to contemplate, for one would ideally like to think far better of most peoples' level of intelligence.

That someone so base could conceivably come within a whisper of the highest office of the land is headache inducing.

He 'earned' one and a half million dollars annually through the circulation of a 'newsletter' which he now claims, under questioning duress, to have never quite read the contents thereof, although they are attributed to him, and appear under his signature. Paid subscribers were given advice by him on how they might survive "the coming race war".

Tax collectors would be coming around to collect from people, and they needed to know how to protect themselves from these machine-gun-wielding government employees. He would inform them how to proceed. "Given the inefficiencies of what [Washington] DC laughingly calls the 'criminal justice system', I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."

How can anyone possibly get away with spewing this kind of malodorous garbage? Speculation about how many illegitimate children Bill Clinton may have fathered with a black woman, referring to the offspring as "woods colts", transcends offensive. The World Trade Center attack in 1993 represented "a set-up by the Israeli Mossad".

The man is a charlatan, delusional, yet presents as a presidential candidate for the Republican Party? They should be trembling in shame and horror at the kind of scum they seem to attract.

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