
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Alpha Animal

For lithe grace and beauty what other animal than the incomparably majestic Siberian tiger?

Caged, and fed and attended to in favoured animal plantations we call zoos in many places of the world. And now a tiger at the San Francisco Zoo has been killed because it poses a threat to the world of humans. A dire threat in fact, since it has killed a young man. The puzzle appears to be how in the world the powerful animal managed to escape what was considered to be a safely intact enclosure.

It would appear that as dusk was approaching on Christmas Day and the zoo was in the process of closing down for the night, three related young men remained near the tiger enclosure, an open grotto with a 5.5-metre-wide moat and six-metre wall dividing the enclosure from the public viewing area.

The tiger managed to surmount these deliberate obstacles to everyone's amazement.

And when it did, a 17-year-old man's life was immediately forfeit. And his older companions suffered grievous wounds through the attention of this dangerous beast, admired for its strength and rare form, conformation and pelt, feared for its wild and fatal potential.

The two who were mauled were fortunate in that police came upon the scene just as the tigress set in to committing mortal damage to the third man.

The noble cat, Tatiana by name was shot and killed.

The tragedy is a true puzzle the zoo officials are attempting to understand. Just how could the animal have managed to escape to freedom onto the larger zoo grounds.

Well, that old adage, "boys will be boys" was never so true. Facts begin to emerge. It would now appear likely that the young man whom the tiger succeeded in killing had taunted the animal. And in his preoccupation with so doing, using his own leg as lure, he created his own death.

A misplaced sense of adventure. A child's mind in a man's body. Don't trouble the animal, his parents might have warned. But the temptation proved too great and since there was hardly anyone about and dark was descending, what a splendid opportunity. And what a tale they could tell afterward, drinking beer with their buddies.

The tale will be told.

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