
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Travesty of Values

Gawd, who would've ever thought I for one would applaud anything coming out of the mouth of Hugo Chavez. That unmitigated blowhard. Throwing his weight around, claiming to care for his people's well-being; prepared, he says, to haul them all up, the Venezuelan population, into prosperity.

Making some attempts, to be sure, but spending more time, money and effort on making a place for himself in the annals of South American history as a saviour both of his people and his neighbours.

Leading the fray, as it were, in denouncing, decrying and demeaning the United States. He does have an occasional point, but wherever he points at an instance of social injustice a similar instance can be found in his own country, led by none other than himself, the great modifier of inequality.

And the company he keeps! Enough to make any sane person shudder. Friendly relations with some of the worst human-rights abusers on the planet, like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Little more need be said.

So imagine, he's expressing concern about an emerging trend in Argentina where young girls are gifted on their 15th birthday coming-outs with personal transformations. Breast implants for emerging nubile beauties. Is that really necessary? Much as Chavez rails against American values, their culture and politics, he has a case of adverse-values clutching his own population.

And that is so bloody sad. It's an abomination that young girls are led to believe their natural endowments are not good enough. That they are encouraged to undergo plastic surgery to enhance their natural beauty. That to disfigure their bodies with abnormal proportions not in keeping with their natural selves might have great social value to them, attracting the attention of avid women-watching men.

Most of all, that impressionable young women are being taught by social, cultural mores emerging within Argentinian society that they are not good enough as they are. That they require improvement by artificial, surgical means. In the process imperilling both their health and their positive self-image.

"That's horrible. It's the ultimate degeneration" Hugo Chavez is quoted as having delivered his opinion on the growing phenomenon. I'm with him on this one. What half-intelligent person with decent values wouldn't be?

"I am calling on your conscience, fathers of this country, mothers of this country, they are our sons, they are our daughters", he implored.

Right on, Hugo, right on. (Otherwise you're an idiot.)

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