
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Political Animals

They're different, those who seek public office; they're not like you and me. On the other hand, perhaps they do reflect what we are like, only more so. Self-interest taken to extremes. So why is it? I often wonder that the best and brightest in society are not drawn to the political arena. Why is it that those who have acquired knowledge and have a suitable balance of personality and character and are capable of careful judgement, do not put themselves forward as those with whom we might enjoy some confidence in performance for the public weal?

Instead, we are faced with countless people who somehow imagine that they have been called to the public stage to enhance their roles in life, a calling they feel they are responding to. Out of their need, or their resolute belief that they are needed by us as our political representatives, to do the just and good thing for a trusting public? Why do we see these poseurs, these attention-seekers, these quacks-with-a-mission come forward and advertise themselves as the solutions to all our public woes? We can recognize their striving for self-aggrandizement, can't we?

Attaining high public office, assuming the confidence of the electorate, representing one's country at the very highest levels can be a real aphrodisiac. It's a power trip. When wealth and good fortune pall and another goal beckons, it's that of being in the position of power; to make decisions that will affect the lives of countless other people; to represent your country on the world stage; to garner respect and admiration - or alternately, scorn and derision. But if you're in for the elected period, who cares, you've made it!

Are we truly deserving of them? Yes, certainly there are those individuals who are forthright, honest and believe they can add to the debate and do run for public office. Too bad; if they're not photogenic, quick on their mental feet, charismatic, crowd-and-baby-pleasers, they don't get past square one. They quickly learn that it isn't strictly politic to express exactly what you mean, how you feel, the manner in which you would act, but to cloak everything in a foggy screen that allows for many interpretations, making backtracking rather simple, explanations feasible and understandable.

It's true that the voting public doesn't always want to hear the truth, won't recognize its legitimacy when it's placed before them for consideration. The quick and easy solutions are always the best, even when they don't work. Mention personal sacrifices, higher taxes, conservation of energy, responsible governance, more aid to the needy domestically, an increase in foreign aid, and you're a goner, so skirt away from the issues, dance around the problems, promise to take good care of everything.

And when sufficiently elevated status is achieved then practise all the partisan politics your heart desires; the public expects it. Dole out political patronage to friends and supporters; appoint family members, close friends, financial supporters to posts of prestige. Accountability may come, but it will take four, five years when the electorate can make another selection.

Do we really care if our leaders shrug off accountability? If the merit principle goes by the wayside? Would we be impressed if they brought on board independent advisers of good repute and high ethical standards representing the interests of all the voters and tax-payers?

Do we dream in technicolour?


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